Í ljósi stöðu COVID-19 útbreiðslunar, ferðabanns og aðgerða stjórnvalda víðs vegar um heiminn hefur sú ákvörðun verið tekin að fresta Iceland Open F3F sem fara átti fram dagana 1. til 3. maí 2020 fram á næsta ári.
Ný dagsetning er 30. apríl til 2. maí 2021, sjá nánar í yfirlýsingu frá mótsstjórn hér að neðan.
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Dear friends
We were hoping that most of the COVID-19 outbreak would be over by the time we’d host Iceland Open F3F 2020. Yesterday the Ministry of Health in Iceland tightened the imposed ban on public events and gatherings down to 20 persons and frankly we don’t think things will have improved much in the beginning of May judging by the current outlook of things.
In light of that and current developments world wide we feel it’s prudent to postpone Iceland Open until next year, the dates for next year will be April 30th – May 2nd 2021.
If you would like to participate then you don’t have to do anything as we’ll move the scheduled date and your registration but if you would like a refund please let me know and I’ll start the process on PayPal.
I hope to see you all at next years Iceland Open. 🙂
Best regards
Sverrir Gunnlaugsson CD